Channel: Opinion Shop » women

Poll: 77% say contraceptives have no place in political debate

The battle over medical insurance coverage for contraceptives has spilled onto the comics pages with Garry Trudeau’s Doonesbury cartoon and into the streets with Democratic-sponsored rallies chastising Republicans for the “war on women.” The public, however, is siding with the Democrats. A Bloomberg poll out today found that 77 percent say that the debate over […]

Women see violence in media as part of the gun violence problem

Chronicle staff writer Joe Garofoli told readers today about how women see the gun violence issue very differently from men: they want action, not rhetoric. And they want to hear from individuals about their experiences, not the National Rifle Association or political leaders. There’s a few more tantalizing details in the Women Donors Network poll […]

Feminism is back — in Fremont

Women have never backed off on their quest for equal rights, but as in all movements there come pivotal events that provide new momentum for the cause. The December gang rape and killing in New Delhi of Jyoti Singh Pandey, who I wrote about in early January, has started a new, and thanks to social […]

The economics of motherhood

Sociologists call it the motherhood penalty. That’s the growing body of evidence that shows women who choose to be mothers suffer a cumulative disadvantage over time, both in wages paid, retirement savings earned, and promotions and advancements missed. Joan Williams, the found director of the Center for WorkLife Law at UC Hastings, says it is […]

Chron quiz

Eaze, Flow Kana, and Meadow are apps for what? Finding a plug for your electric car Delivering marijuana to your door Selling surplus water Locating the nearest yoga studio What are free-range parents? Moms and dads who raise backyard poultry Homeless couples with kids Retirees who’ve lost touch with children Adults who let their kids

Equal pay for similar work — state Assembly votes today

A few weeks back I wrote about state Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson’s SB358, which would amend a 1949 state law to require equal pay for similar work and job requirements. Today’s the day the state Assembly votes on the bill, which, if passed and signed into law, would make equal pay protections for women the

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